Use Case

Theo Hell Industrieelektrik Uses Kontron System for Monitoring and Control of Water Facilities

  • Theo Hell Industrieelektrik Uses Kontron System for Monitoring and Control of Water Facilities

    Every second, 100,000 liters of water roars through the two 22 metric ton valves of the Eifel Rurtalsperre Schwammenauel, the second largest reservoir in Germany with a capacity of 200 million cubic meters. The Rurtalsperre Schwammenauel belongs to the Wasserverband Eifel-Rur (WVER), which operates a total of six dams with a capacity of 300 million cubic meters in the northern Eifel. They serve primarily as fl ood control, but are also used for the drinking water supply and as a local recreation area. The Rurtalsperre is the largest of the six reservoirs and, with the Urfttalsperre, forms a connected lake region which lies, for the most part, in the Eifel national park. And when it came time to update the electronics of this massive system, Kontron was chosen as a partner along with its Think IO system. The Kontron Think IO was chosen because it is a maintenance-free system with lots of connectivity potential. That, paired with Kontron’s dedication to service, combined for a great fi t to the WVER project.

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